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The Dangers of GMO Foods

by Janice Carlin, PhD, CHHP, CHNP, CNHP
Copyright © 2022 Janice Carlin  All Rights Reserved.

It is extremely important not to consume GMOs.

GMO stands for Genetically Modified Organism. They are also referred to as Genetically Modified (GM), Genetically Engineered (GE), and bioengineered ingredients.

A GMO is an animal, plant, or microbe whose DNA has been altered using genetic engineering techniques. Scientists take genes from bacteria or viruses and put them into the genes of different kinds of plants. This combination of genes from different species is impossible in nature and can only occur in a laboratory.

GMOs were introduced into our food supply and the marketplace in the 1990s. They are used in the food industry to make crops more resilient to insects and the application of chemicals, also to make them look better and be faster growing.


None of the produce or animal products at your grocery store will contain labels letting you know that they are or contain genetically modified ingredients. This is why it is vital for you to be knowledgeable about this subject.

The toxic herbicide, glyphosate is an additional problem with GMOs.


The chemical company, Monsanto, made the herbicide Roundup, which contains glyphosate. Then they genetically modified corn, soy, sugar beets, alfalfa, canola, and cotton to be able to withstand being sprayed with their toxic herbicide. These are called Roundup Ready seeds. The chemical company itself altered the plants to be resistant to being sprayed with their own product.

There are other types of GMOs, which include disease resistant crops, such as papaya from Hawaii or China, and zucchini and yellow squash. Additionally, some corn, soy, and cotton crops are modified to contain a toxin inside of the plant. This Bt toxic kills certain insects by breaking open their guts.

The gene silencing technology, CRISPR, uses short strands of RNA to silence certain genes. Examples of these foods are non-browning potatoes, and apples, and mushrooms. Also, there are CRISPR edited corn, soy, and tomatoes.

Lastly, there is synthetic biology, in which scientists remove a cell’s DNA, synthesize a new sequence of DNA, and insert it into the cell. They engineer microorganisms, such as bacteria and yeast with additional genes, which create proteins used in products including food and medicine. Some current products on the market using Syn Bio technology include aspartame, synthetic fats and blood-like substances found in products like Impossible Burger, steviol glycoside (not the same as pure stevia), “non-animal dairy proteins” used in milks, ice creams, and cheeses marketed as vegan (they are not), and recombinant bovine growth hormone (rBGH). Steer clear of all products that describe their foods as being made through a “precise fermentation” process.



GLYPHOSATE IS THE ACTIVE INGREDIENT IN ROUNDUP. Here is what you need to know about it:

  • Glyphosate was originally patented as a descaler to clean boilers and pipes because it grabs onto minerals and strips them off. It also makes crops mineral deficient and binds with minerals in our body depriving us of minerals.

  • Roundup is also patented as an antibiotic. It specifically kills the beneficial bacteria in our guts. An improper balance of gut bacteria is a precursor to most diseases.

  • Roundup is also sprayed as a desiccant on grains and legumes, as well as on all types of produce. Roundup contains additional toxic chemicals.

  • Once sprayed, glyphosate cannot be washed off, and it ends up being absorbed into every cell of the plants.

  • Because GMO plants have a bacterial gene inserted in their genome, they become resistant to glyphosate. As a result, GMO crops are able to survive extremely high levels of Roundup without dying. Because of their resistance, in the last few years, glyphosate use has increased by 800%.




  • It has been implicated in many different types of disease.

  • It can damage mitochondria, which are key for health, energy, longevity, and prevention of cancer.

  • Glyphosate opens the tight junctions in the gut creating leaky gut or leaky brain. It has been shown to cause digestive issues and is linked to birth defects.

  • It is an endocrine disruptor and a problem in the creation of serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine, and melatonin.

    • Glyphosate plays a role in depression, anxiety, fatigue, ADHD/ADD, autism, insomnia, poor memory, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, Schizophrenia, OCD, eating disorders, weight gain or loss, acid reflux, constipation, IBS.

    • Glyphosate (Roundup) blocks an enzyme in the shikimate pathway, which is how it kills plants. Humans and animals do not have this pathway, however the gut bacteria in our bodies (90% of our cells are microbes) do have this pathway. They use it to synthesize the amino acids that are precursors to serotonin, melatonin, and dopamine. Studies have shown that glyphosate shuts down the shikimate pathway in the gut bacteria, thus affecting our bodies production and     of these vital neurotransmitters.


How to Avoid GMOs

  1. Consume certified organic foods.

  2. If you cannot get something organic, make sure it has the Non-GMO Project verification label (look for the butterfly), “Non-GMO Project Verified”. Download the Non-GMO Shopping Guide:

  3. Avoid buying anything with a label that uses includes the words “bioengineered”.

  4. Know which foods are currently genetically modified an avoid all non-organic forms of them:

    • Corn

    • Soybeans

    • Cotton (cottonseed oil)

    • Canola (rapeseed) oil

    • Sugar

    • Papaya

    • Zucchini

    • Yellow summer squash

    • Alfalfa

    • AquaAdvantage salmon

    • Non-browning Artic apples and non-browning potatoes

    • Pinkglow pineapple

    • Non-organic dairy products from cows injected with the GM growth hormone rbGH

    • Food additives, enzymes, flavorings, and processing agents, including the sweetener aspartame (NutraSweet) and rennet used to make hard cheeses – to avoid GM rennet, only eat organic cheese.

    • Steviol glycosides

    • Non-organic meat, eggs, and dairy products (these animals consumed GMOs while they were raised)

    • Tomatoes and purple tomatoes


Learn more about GMOs from the Institute of Responsible Technology:

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